
2023 End of Year Recap

As we say goodbye to another eventful year, we’re taking this opportunity to reflect on our accomplishments in a year of exponential growth, exciting announcements, and challenging projects. All in all, 2023 has been a great year for SentriLock.

Just look at some of our impressive statistics for the year:

  • 27 NEW Lockbox conversion customers in 3 different countries.
  • 15 NEW MLS signed on as SentriKey Showing Service® partners.
  • 35,000 NEW users added to the showing platform with 50,000 onboarding by Q3 2024.
  • 98% retention rate of existing accounts in 2023, and an 11% user growth rate.
  • SentriLock is now serving more than half a million REALTORS®️ and enabling more than a million+ secure property accesses making SentriLock the preferred choice for real estate agents and access across North America.

Of course, none of these things would have been possible without our employees and their spectacular teamwork, dedication, and motivation to accomplish their goals.

This year, we traveled all over the country to trade shows, conferences, expos, and more. Our business team members love meeting and interacting with our customers and showing off our great suite of products to potential new marketplaces.

Our biggest news of the year was unveiled at the National Association of REALTORS NXT convention in Anaheim, CA. We were thrilled to announce that the Basic tier of our SentriKey Showing Service® is now available to all current and future lockbox customers at no additional cost. You can read all about it in the press release here: Sentrilock Announces Sentrikey Showing Service® Now Included For All Customers

At the end of the day, our mission is focused on one thing. Providing the best possible service in a timely manner to REALTORS out in the field. Our support department continues to impress our customers across the world with better performance each year. 

As we wrap up 2023 and head into an exciting new year of growth and innovation, we would like to say thank you to our loyal customers for your ongoing support. No matter the challenges and changes ahead in the industry, we remain dedicated to innovating safer and more efficient ways to improve your property access experience. For the latest news on SentriLock products and services, sign up for our monthly newsletter today!