Tips for a Safe, Secure Open House
Anyone who has ever hosted an open house knows that they can be a bit…daunting. There are always so many people coming in and out, as the REALTOR®, you’re responsible for keeping track of everyone along with the homeowner’s possessions. While it can be a bit overwhelming, with tools from SentriLock, and a few simple precautions, you can turn the scary into success.
Knowing who enters and exits is important when a property is being shown. To give sellers peace of mind and ensure agents are comfortable when showing a home, the SentriGuard® lockbox is a must have. Engineered to be corrosion and bolt cutter resistant and featuring the longest battery life in the industry, you can be assured that the key to the house is safe. The SentriKey® Real Estate app provides multiple, secure access methods that ensure quick and reliable entry. Lockbox accesses are logged into the app so you and the homeowner know when a potential buyer has arrived and left the property.
Additionally, SentriLock’s FlexCodes™ allow agents to give permissioned access to the home for approved users during allotted time and date windows. The Access by Appointment feature makes it possible for agents and requesters to only get access to the property on their scheduled day and time. Agents and homeowners can feel comfortable when entering the home, knowing who has been there and when.
Beyond taking simple precautions such as having another agent with you, doing a pre-check through the house before it opens, and keeping an eye on visitors as they tour the house, use technology to your advantage. The features inherent in SentriKey® Real Estate App allow you to stay connected and safe during an open house. In addition to managing schedules and client communications, enabling the Agent Safety feature in the app gives an extra layer of security when showing homes. Simply enable the feature and it will automatically and discreetly alert an emergency contact when you do not feel safe or if you fail to check in.
Open houses don’t have to be scary! By following these tips from SentriLock you can take the stress out of open houses and make them a breeze. And with SentriLock’s suite of products, you can rest assured that your open houses will run smoothly.