How to Build an Itinerary
1. Launch the app on your device.
2. Navigate to the ‘Schedule’ page and click “Build Itinerary”.
3. Choose the date for which you want to schedule the itinerary.
4. Select the address of the starting location
If applicable, also select a time.
5. Click “Start Building” to start creating the itinerary.
6. Add the first listing by clicking the “Search Listing Address” field.
Enter the listing address and select it from the dropdown menu.
7. Select duration and appointment type.
8. Click “Add to Itinerary” to add the appointment request to the itinerary.
9. To add additional appointment requests to an itinerary, click on the ‘Search Listing Address’ field.
That appears after adding an appointment request to the itinerary. Enter the listing address and select it from the dropdown menu.
10. Select the duration and the appointment type.
11. Add the appointment request by clicking “Add to Itinerary”
12. Repeat the previous step until the itinerary is completed.
13. When you have finished building your itinerary, click “Request Appointments.”
At this time, the system will optimize the route, ensuring the best and most efficient driving route is applied.
14. You will receive a message informing you appointment times may have change due to route optimization.
To proceed, click “Confirm” to send the appointment requests to the Listing Agents.
15. Click “Done”
You will be shown a ‘Success’ screen, indicating it has been completed.
How to Review and Edit an Itinerary
1. To review and edit an itinerary, navigate to the calendar and click on the specific itinerary you wish to view or edit.
2. To make changes, simply click “Edit”.
3. You can add a break in your schedule by clicking on the plus symbol located between appointments.
This can be done either after your itinerary has been requested or while building it initially.
4. Choose the duration and location for the break, and then save it by clicking on ‘Save Time Break’.
5. Click “Confirm”.
Clicking confirm will re-optimize the itinerary and will send out requests for new times.